Do I have a digital file containing this war crime with the original commercials? Yes, yes I do.

- Signed,

Member, High Council of Sick Fucks

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In the time-honoured tradition of humans taking a good thing and thoroughly fucking it sideways with ill-advised good intent this is a fucking disaster masterpiece.

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I was ten and fortunately only remember the one where they were on The Muppets 🥳

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I remember this!

I was 13 when my mom and I watched this. She had taken me to see Star Wars in the theatre and wow! So, when this came on... well, it was like watching a car crash. You know you should not watch, but you can't help yourself. I think I sat there, stunned beyond words. Was this really part of the same movie I saw? If you haven't seen this, go for it. It is a piece of work

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I was only six when Star Wars Holiday SNAFU came out. Young enough to appreciate shit TV.. You'd think kid a could be entertained by things like the Muhammad Ali animated Saturday morning show (if you remember that, you remember the absolute worst animation ever put to screen - they could tell a half hour story with about 25 frames of animation), but even at that tender age when everything Star Wars was amazingly cool, I could tell it was a display of remarkable, almost-offensive incompetence. At the end of the show, I felt very sad. Why would they do this to Star Wars fans?

Who the hell were all those old people that just popped up, sang, and disappeared? If Chewy had a family, why was he palling around the galaxy and fighting the Empire with Han? What the hell was Luke doing the whole time? It looked like he was in a workshop somewhere not anywhere near anyone else. Why did Leia look so sleepy? Why did Hannah look so grumpy? I was so full of questions. I wonder if George tried to get Obi Wan "Ben" Kenobi to appear in this travesty? I like picturing Alec Guiness's laughter.

Also, back before the EU resuscitated him and later got the canon rubber stamp, it was very appropriate that a certain bounty hunter whose fate was to die by being bonked into a giant mouth by a flailing blind man made his first appearance right fucking here.

Anyway, here is what I came to say. James, this column is absolutely brilliant and almost as entertaining as your best column of all time, your smashing, belly-laugh-inducing attack on Caillou.

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