I'm so fucking grateful for your voice, James. Thank you from this passionate, peace-loving Israeli-born American dual citizen trying to work toward a better world for my kids.

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I could not agree more. I get so frustrated with the way the massacre has been minimized. I also wonder why the world isn’t shaming the neighbouring Arab countries into taking in the Palestinians while the war goes on? Particularly Egypt?

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Thank you a gazillion from a progressive American Jew. I have so many non-Jewish liberal friends who don’t understand this, heck my former hippy anarchist husband doesn’t understand this. I’ve been feeling so alone and attacked, but this helps, more than I can even articulate.

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From one progressive American Jew to another, even though we each are feeling alone, we are not alone. I'm here with you and share your story and sentiment. My husband has empathy, but lacks full understanding. He feels as you and I do, but he was raised catholic and doesn't have the same lived experience. Hugs to you, dear. 🤗💕💫

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Thank you Julia, I made my husband read James’s piece and I think he understands a bit more now.

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I'm very happy to hear that. Stay safe. (((Hugs))) 💕🤗

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OMG yes. As an American Jewish person, I agree with everything you wrote. Thank you.

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by James Fell

Would you be okay if I shared this on tumblr? (with full credit, obviously) - but tumbrinas need to be shamed out of their antisemitism, and this will help

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Please feel free to share wherever you wish, so long as it's a link to my Substack. You can use a couple of paragraphs and "read the rest here" if you like.

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Thank you a million times for writing this articulate, intelligent, and well researched post. I hope with all my heart that it opens people’s eyes and minds and yes their souls to a better understanding and truth.

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Thank you so much. I am actually a bit emotional about this. It is just so good not feeling alone for once. Thank you.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023

Thank you for this. As a 2nd generation American Jew and a proud liberal, I am horrified by the world reaction to the terrorist slaughter of civilian Jews and the continued murder of their own people to provoke more antisemitism. It is sickening and watching so many on the left support it has reinforced that we Jews can never feel safe. I see family members supporting the Palestinians but they don't even support their own Israeli family members and refuse to acknowledge the glee with which Hamas would kill them too. Hamas needs to go, for the good of the world, the Palestinians, and the Jews. Thank you again for speaking out and trying to spread the truth instead of the usual hogwash PR.

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I can only repeat what other commenters have said: Thank you from the bottom of my Jewish heart for your historical perspective and understanding of nuance. I also hope that a way can be found to a stable, secure, and peaceful two-state solution. But that's impossible with Hamas (and probably Hezbollah as well) in the picture. Thank you again, James.

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Thank you for writing this. I have to admit I'm not as well informed as I should be, and this truly opened my eyes to what has been going on in Gaza. I've only ever known a handful of Jews in my life, and they are all in the same immediate family. I live in a small town bubble, and we just don't attract people who aren't typical rednecks. I'm trying to open my world view, and you are a huge part of that. I will absolutely keep coming back to learn more.

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James, I’ve been a follower and fan of yours for a few years and this piece turned me into a paid subscriber. Thank you from an American Jew for your research, response, and support. I’m sharing it widely!

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There are about a million Uyghur Muslims in a concentration camp in China right now and no one seems to give a damn.

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Thank you from my whole heat and soul for this. On one hand I never thought I would live during a time of existential crisis for me and my people. On the other, I wonder why it took so long to happen, yet again. You seem to understand how it feels when people all over the world are calling for your death and the death of your people. Your voice is a ray of light cutting through the darkness.

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Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

I have never been able to understand why the Jewish people are subject to such hatred. How do you negotiate with people whose stated purpose is your extinction. Opposing that seems like a no-brainer. Apparently there are plenty of folks out there walking around brainless.

Thank you, James. This is your best work ever.

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Yet again James you put to words what my brain cannot get out coherently. I want to scream this.

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