Now if you would have worn a RUSH shirt...

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Thanks for the MacArthur piece. My granddaddy served with him in the Phillipines as a commanding officer and he pulled no punches about how he felt about that piece of arrogant corncob shit.

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Ugh. So I finally broke down and set up a TikTok account. Thank you so very fucking much....

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You could have worn a tyedye Grateful Dead shirt. 😃

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P.S. I bought your book to give to my 28 year old son for Christmas! Im excited for it to arrive!

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Do I really have to have tic toc?

I would eliminate BookFace except the family uses it to keep in touch.

I didn't want the insta-gramma or that pornagraphic letter when repeated 3 times formally called bluebirdsong.

I'll wait for it.

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