I like you for more than just your swear words! Actually you have vituperatively encapsulated my exact feelings about this whole mess. I think Joe Biden is the most effective president since LBJ, and I adore him, gaffes and all. I’ve been sickened the last 3 weeks (seems like 3 years) by the constant drumbeat from the press and the party to push him out. I was saddened by his decision yesterday to drop out. But his forceful endorsement of Kamala and her subsequent flood of $50m in small dollar donations has me feeling hopeful again. I think we are finally going to get a woman president! I appreciate your reasoning here about how this ain’t ‘68 (I was only 10 myself then)!

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I’ve been explaining the 30 year smear campaign against HRC to people since like 2015, cause noone that told me they hated her could actually give a good reason to hate her… too bad it worked way too well. This would have been a completely different universe had she won. Losing to a woman in 2015 would have made the Voldefart slink into some shadow with his ultrashort tail between his cellulitic legs and disappear into oblivion instead of inspiring all this fuckwaddery all around that keeps me awake at night.

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explained endlessly myself---gets tiresome repeating so many times with clueless people--and thanks for this

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I swear that woman is a modern day Cassandra. She even remarked on this decades ago and I must admit, I did not really believe it when she said it. But as the years rolled on and she was still a target when there was really no reason for her to be a target... yes, indeed, there was a 30 plus year smear campaign against her.

I've learned my lesson, when she speaks - I listen and believe.

The only thing she has been wrong about is staying with her husband. He is a very bad husband. But what ya gonna do, she loves him.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 30
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Get lost. You are a sick person.

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You are one sicko, weird fuck buddy!

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Yes, if Richard Melon Scaife the conspiracy theorist, hadn’t hired that con man private investigator that kept telling him lies to keep getting paid, we would never have been denied Hillary as our first woman president.

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I'd like to know more about this. It's not something I've heard.

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It all began with the conspiracy theorists he funded dubbed “The arkansas Project”.




“When Hillary Clinton spoke of “the vast right-wing conspiracy” targeting her family in the 1990s, in large part she was referring to the cottage industry of Clinton haters briefly bankrolled by Mr. Scaife.”For a comprehensive look back at the Clinton haters, pick up a copy of Joe Conason and Gene Lyon’s http://www.amazon.com/The-Hunting-President-Ten-Year-Campaign/dp/0312273193. But suffice to say that Scaife was central in funding reporter Christopher Ruddy (now the publisher of Newsmax) to investigate conspiracy theories about the suicide of White House aide Vincent Foster and other assorted scandals.

Scaife also funneled money into “The Arkansas Project” within the American Spectator, the series of investigations which broke the news of Clinton’s Little Rock dalliances, which became known as Troopergate (in an article written by David Brock, who would later found the liberal watchdog group Media Matters for America) and printed the first mention of Paula Jones. Scaife likewise funded the conservative nonprofit Western Journalism Center, founded by Joseph Farah (now best known as the publisher of the wingnut WorldNetDaily website. His dollars seeded the field of partisan media as we know it today.”

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Thanks, I remember all that happening but didn't know who was bankrolling it.

I also remember Travelgate as well! Every new day brought a new fake scandal.

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Yes, that was the 90’s alright!

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Joe Biden deservedly became a Democratic Saint yesterday. 🙏

I’ll just add that I was born in 1957 and grew up during an era when civil rights workers were being murdered by hillbillies like JD Vance and students were being shot down for protesting a pointless war that got 58,000 Americans killed.

And Republicans and our media is upset that Democrats are saying Trump is an existential threat to democracy. When he clearly fucking is. Also, he didn’t get shot because of anyone’s rhetoric and is he going to wear that Kotex on his ear until November?

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He's got to wear the maxi pad. Otherwise we will all see that there is no visible damage to his ear.

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You must be psychic. Just had this conversation with the hubs last night. As I recall nobody called for LBJ to step down just because he wasn’t going to run for reelection.

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This is a spot on essay, as you often are. 2 quick points:

1) I love the idea of Mark Kelly for VP. Great military credentials, strong record on common sense gun control, and he was a freaking ASTRONAUT! Otherwise I'd like to see any VP with strong military cred, standing behind a woman as president with strong Law & Order cred.....

2) I'm hearing a lot of people saying this country won't elect a woman president. WE ALREADY DID! Hillary won the popular vote in 2016, and were it not for a few thousand votes in a few select districts in a few critical states, she would have won the antiquated Electoral College and we would not have been subjected to the orange shitgibbon. And she was submarined by Comey's hit job just a few weeks before the election. We can't let that happen again!

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For years now, Comey has been going on tv trying to act like a saint who was pushed into his actions by "others..." No, he was no saint. He didn't want HRC to be president. The mere idea of it offended him. Not sure if it was because she was a woman, a Democrat, Bill Clinton's wife, or just for existing in her body.

What Comey should have done - he knew exactly who the leakers were - the Staten Island crew in the Manhattan office, they were working with Giuliani, well leaking him everything they could make up. Most of it was from some self published smear book, can't remember if Gorka wrote it or someone else. It was fairy tales about the Clinton Cabal or something. Anyways, Comey knew who these jerks were. He should have split them up and had them transferred to the four corners of the country and not the nice corners either. It was in his power. These guys were leaking information. They could have either taken the transfer on condition they keep their noses clean or retired early.

But that would have required some balls on his part. So now we have Saint Comey to sit next America's Mayor at the table of people who really aren't who they think they are.

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Mark Kelly for VP. Am reading your your book. Keeps me SMH when not laughing. Go Kamala. Two terms💙💙✌🏻

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And Biden won’t undermine Harris as Johnson did Humphrey. Humphrey negotiated a compromise between hawk and dove Dem power brokers, but then LBJ told HHH to go hawk or he’d pull his support. Yada yada yada: Nixon.

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While this year is seriously fucked up, it would have to go quite a way to match 1968, the worst year of my life. My father dropped dead at 42 of a heart attack, shoveling snow. I found him on the sidewalk. I was 14. Three months later my favorite uncle was killed by a drunk driver. In between, MLK. After that, RFK. Then the summer riots. Then Nixon cheated his way to the WH. Yeah, just fuck 1968.

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I’m so sorry.

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I am so sorry, Gino.

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Any network that wanted its former viewers back should hire you to sum up the news nightly.

As someone born early enough to watch that debacle as a newly hatched adult, this is the exactly what we watched, heartsick because our high school boyfriends were being shipped to Asia as cannon fodder.

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Yah Buddy. You got that right. Praying America will rally and give KH a win with an historic margin over the Republican's best. Billserle.com

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Vincent Van Go … is the best! They chanted Let’s go Brandon. I think Vincent Van Go (insert expletive here) is what should be used about T going forward.

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Vincent van fucking Go... or Vincent van Go fuck yourself?

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- the second one!

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Highly amusing and right on point! Any seeming similarities with the 1968 race are superficial and really, irrelevant. Bad as he was, Nixon was NOT a fascist and he didn't have a secretive cabal writing a fascist playbook for him, ready when he took office in 1969. American lives are not being lost in Gaza, comparisons with Vietnam are pathetic. RFK jr, is a shadow of his father and his vaccine nonsense reveals him as ungrounded in reality. He will only serve to syphon votes from Harris.

But is America ready for a Jamaican-Indian American woman?

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just remember we used to worry about what religion the candidate had and then got a Catholic president and found out it really didn't matter---till now when the churchy people have gone dark side.....

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GOP undermining peace in Vietnam, then GOP undermining Carter's efforts about the hostages in Iran. These [people can't govern. All they can do is manipulate behind the scenes (such as Orban going to Mar Lardo) and give themselves tax breaks while telling the MAGA that immigrants are stealing their jobs and committing crimes.

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Don't forget the tangerine toddler telling Putin not to release the Wall St Journal writer until he is elected... I really wish they would bring him up on charges for that. Private citizens are not supposed to be conducting foreign policy.

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That would be because the GOP are fabulous at breaking things. It’s far easier to break things than fix things, and it’s usually loud and dramatic. Fixing things takes time, care, expertise and commitment but apparently to most voters that’s just too boring.

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Harris all the way! Thanks for this excellent sweary analysis and rebuttal to the dumbasses out there. I appreciate you!

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I am reeling and sad, but I read at least half of your post and it helped. I'll read the other half when I calm down LOL. As always, thanks for putting things into perspective

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many things i have been saying--thanks for saying that, as I'm just an old woman who knows nothing, I've been told--already shared it and thanks again...

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