My father was never baptised. He didn't believe in God per se. But when the Jehovah's Witnesses would knock on his door, he'd invite them in for coffee. And he'd listen. He'd argue their viewpoints, but as an intellectual exercise. And they kept coming back, time and again. Weekly. They knew they'd never sway him, but the discourse was enough, I guess.

When my dad died back in 2021, they were the ones who donated money for the horrendous cleanup that was needed. They sent flowers. They arrived to console us, his children. They didn't preach or try to convert; they were just there to offer comfort and to pay homage to a man they respected.

I will never be irritated by their knock on my door again. I will not turn them away in anger. I will always appreciate that they are, indeed, doing what they truly believe is best for my soul, and thus for our society. By offering them kindness with my rejection, I think I strengthen their belief that all people are worthy, even those that don't follow their path. At least, I hope so.

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Great essay! 👍🏼

I would point out to those who may not know it that the Mormon church used to send out their missionaries singly - not in pairs - until they realized that the singletons were being persuaded by those they were proselytizing to (often more conversant in biblical texts), to leave the Mormon church. Then they started sending them out in pairs - to “watch over” and protect each other from sinful thoughts and deeds - and to keep their young acolytes firmly anchored in the Mormon church.

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"Religion started when the first charlatan met the first fool." Voltaire

I've been through and over religion. I think it's one of the most toxic things next to politics. When you mix them together, not even storybook witches could make a more evil brew.

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We've had so many of them that it's got to be a big problem. Every time they show up in spite of our humerous sign that says things like "We know who we're voting for, we've found Jesus, not go away unless you're selling cookies." We put the sign up because we have three dogs who go absolutely nuts when they hear the doorbell or a knock. We got tired of that happening so much.

Does that make me a dick? (Shrug)

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I wouldn't think you're being rude (Pecker Head) since you did put up that sign. It is up to the people who would knock on your door to respect your wishes.

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As someone who has recently fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole and watching endless hours of stories of people escaping them, I absolutely love what you've shared. I used to be a dick to the doorknockers (even while I was a minister) but now I mostly pity them. Thanks James!

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I am an atheist. But starting out I was a Christian. I was a Lutheran because my parents and grandparents were Lutheran. It always seemed oppressive but that's what life is like as a Christian kid.

Off to college and never went to church. Spending time in class lecture halls. I don't need to be lectured on Sunday too.

Met a guy who was going to be my husband. He was Methodist more than I was Lutheran. Methodists are nice. This particular type was not as oppressive. But I still wasn't sold on the whole mythic story. In this particular church they allowed asking questions but they didn't answer them for me. Helped me find the answers for myself.

After 35 years I finally had to admit, I loved the stories but that what they were, stories.

That's why I'm not a pushy atheist. I know I ran into pushy atheists but it was all about them than me. It took me a long time to figure things out for myself. I suspect there are pushy Christians mouthing their orthodoxy because they are afraid to give it up. All that guilt presses down on people.

I gave up going to church and it felt like that mythic yoke was taken off from around my neck. It feels so freeing. No regrets.

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2009. I was on the Metro in Hong Kong. There were some schoolgirls talking. The one girl was talking about Pastfarians and the Spaghetti Monster. It was so funny listening to her. She was a great story teller and they were laughing. But what hit me was when she told her friend that they believe the same things Christians do but without the coercion.

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I love how when you say things I often agree with and am so pleased that you often help me put my thoughts and beliefs into words.

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Great unmasking to get a full frontal view of the Emperor. Most people don’t believe what they believe.

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My husband would argue with them. He feels that superiority for being a rational atheist. He thinks that he can convince someone their faith is wrong by rationally explaining why it's wrong. But faith isn't rational so I think that is a futile endeavor.

I would say sorry, not interested and close the door in their face. I am not religious, but since I grew up Buddhist, I also believe that everyone has their own path and no one path is the right one for everyone. Not just religion, but everything. So it's not my business to convince someone that they their faith is wrong. It's also not their business to convince me that mine is wrong.

Live and let live. Do unto others and do as thou wilt an it harm none and all that. And learn from history!

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I'm always nice to the door-to-door proselytizers, because I'm a nice person. I also figure they mean well and are being good folks by sharing what they believe is the secret to everlasting grace. That's cool.

I never stopped to think that maybe their church wants me to mistreat them in order to strengthen their bond to the church. Makes perfect sense, though.

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I feel that!

As a self-described atheist, I think my rewards are garnered here on earth. Feeling nice about things I did, and knowing that I did the right thing. Also, on my birthday, the most popular song was: TEQUILA! Da dundiddidadundun!

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Way, way, back in my baby-dyke, Frye-boot, 2nd-wave-feminism days, two sweet, apple-cheeked, older ladies came to my door and offered me a copy of the Watchtower newspaper. I told them I'd read theirs if they'd read mine, and offered them the edition of Off Our Backs that I had just finished reading. They seemed a bit stunned, and did that polite thing where you're not sure what to do so you just go along, and they took the paper from me. I broke my promise. I never read the Watchtower. I have no idea if they even looked sideways at Off Our Backs. I hope they did, but I also hope they didn't, because if they did and I didn't, then yeah, I was a dick! 😏

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Gwyneth Paltrow is so cuckoo that she probably lays eggs. 😆

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