Silver lining: the Supremes showed us who they really are, and it ain't pretty. Between this dick move and Dobbs, they're helping to kill their own party. Let's hope it dies quickly.

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If metaphors became reality, Pinoccio's nose and flaming clothes would adorn the obese figure of the dangerous lying tangerine.

Benjamin Franklin said that freedom occupies one side of a coin. Vigilance occupies the otherside. When media and other institutions fail in liberal democracies the democracies fail too. Agent Orange has accelerated this process, allowing the Supreme Court (loaded with three of his nominations) to formally suspend the rule of law.

Project 2025 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) is already written and awaits the Republican Presidential winner in November. It has chilling ideas for a government transition.

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I am upset and terrified, that this is our timeline.

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So am I. If this stands, I foresee suffering and bloodshed coming that Americans haven't experienced since the Civil War. 😔

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A very broad brush but valid.

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Thanks, James. A good shot in the arm.

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James, you said your piece. And your point was? What good is our vote if your premise is true: the rule of law in America is already dead. The POTUS is now KOTUS. Sad. We fought for our independence so we would not have to be ruled by someone who believed he was above the law. I am no soothsayer but my gut tells me we're not getting out of this imbroglio unscathed.

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“they didn’t like the English king saying they couldn’t steal land from Native Americans”

Thanks for the interesting substack. It always amazed me how much power the church had throughout the history of Europe. Queen Elizabeth the first impressed the shit out of me by standing up to the pope, Spain and France while fending off suitors.

I’m reading American Revolutions by Alan Taylor right now. They seem to have left that small detail out in high school that I quoted above. The revolutionary war was just because we didn’t want to pay taxes? Not the part about we wanted to genocide Native Americans and steal their land.

The brutality between Patriots and Loyalists got some real short shrift, too. Reading about how bad the election of 1800 was is somehow reassuring. Of course, neither Adams nor Jefferson was a demented, pathological narcissist. That was Aaron Burr.

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Sweary is about what this is. I am too old to read all those sweary words therefore, I quit at about the 4th paragraph. Bye for now.

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Nifty summary! Perhaps someday a rundown of a Black Plague or two rifling through the European population and its influence on governance and the church might be in order? I've heard a time or two that the influence was substantial.

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You cannot be taken seriously when you starts cursing and throw f-bombs in the opening paragraph. That’s juvenile.

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Please clean up the language

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Weakening the government is an important milestone on the road back to medieval rule without accountability to the people. SCOTUS is helping those who want to go that way. And they are explicit: The courts shall determine which government regulations shall be valid. Doesn't look good at all.

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Oh, and by the way, you're invited to visit my substack, leave comments and subscribe. It's free!😊

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You sound vaccinated!

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Your first paragraph and the source you cite tell me not to waste any time considering your ‘thoughts’. All you have to do is be able to read to know all your fears are truly ignorance gone to seed.

Unhappy with this ruling? Thank the lawfare spastic Democrats. It couldn’t have happened without their myopic tactics.

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