Exactly why I subscribe AND buy your books (well the same one twice).

Your piece on straight pride ffg day in Boston is just one reason why I can’t stand Boston. Though I couldn’t stomach their racist crap decades ago.

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Hey, everybody! Let’s do the decaying imperialist shuffle!

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You take one step to the west and one step to the east, then...

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Let’s do the Imperial Time Warp Again! 🎵🎶🎵

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May 24·edited May 24

Generally speaking, most of the people carting his wasted carcass about were far better navigators than Bad Chris ever was. They at least had a pretty good idea where they were going and knew where they had been afterwards. So there’s that.

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yeah columbus was definitely a bad guy. made slaves out of people. screwed them all (in many ways). no need for a day to glorify him as he was not glorious.

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Ditto. And my “family” lives there. I have so many gay family members and this really makes me mad.

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I hope they learn something

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Good Chris: King Christian IX of Denmark, I think that’s his number. When the Reich (you know the Reich that Queens turd wants to bring back?) ordered Danish Jews to wear the yellow star, the King put one on his uniform, so fuck you, Adolph. You know, Hitler did one good thing: he shot Hitler. Chris Evans, I thought he sucked as Johnny Storm, and if you told me, “Some day he’ll play Captain America, and he’ll bring tears to your eyes,” I would have thought you were insane.

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Urban legend, didn’t happen.

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Ahh James , where is the the excerpt from Captain America! I wanted to read it . Well now , another reason not to go to the States ! I'm too mouthy and sarcastic , so I would be shot on site ! 😅🤣😂

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You’d be in fine company. Plenty of us are mouthy and sarcastic.

And the best part about it? We have true equality: it doesn’t matter who you are — we *all* have a decent chance at getting shot on any given day!</s> (🤦‍♂️)

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Piling on Chris seems to be the thing to do these days, and may be/ is likely well deserved. Just because bad people support him, however, is no reason for me to join the anti-colonialist horde, at least not immediately

My thoughts on Chris took a turn after seeing the Columbus statue in Barcelona. Standing under that very tall column and straining my neck to see a much larger than life Chris pointing straight out to sea, out to the "New World", was inspiring for its own sake. So he royally screwed it up when he got there, ok. But the beginning was in that vision, in his outstretched finger on that outstretched arm, which noone had dared to do. Celebrate that.

And who the hell are we (the children of immigrants) to criticize... once we found the mainland, we efficiently did a bunch of genocidal things, to this day.

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Pretty sure being anti-colonialist is basically like being anti-racist, anti-sexist, etc. But hey, you do you. P.S. Cristoforo Colombo had no vision. He literally though he was going to Asia (and believed that's where he landed until he died), and if not for the Americas being there, he would have perished along with all of his crew. But sure, celebrate that.

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Yes, I will celebrate that. The rest of the Portugese were content to crawl ever further along the coast of Africa, keeping their travels as secret as they could. Later, others followed, within sight of land, brave souls all.

Not our Chris...mad as Quixote, he struck straight out into the void, looking for pillage in the undiscovered country.

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It’s strange how one can sense low-T feminized males - smirky smile, soft breasty chests. Complaining about people who had bigger balls than their heads and tryin to score participation stars in virtue signaling Internet competitions.

Columbus was a bad ass. Pizarro was one as well. They will be in the history for all bad and good they did. You’re just nibbling on giants’ toes.

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Bad Chris was a product of his time. So were the homophobes promoting a straight "pride" parade in Boston. Good thing we're here and can call their bullshit publicly and openly. Back in Bad Chris' day we would've burned at the stake.

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Pride is a reaction to oppression... that you're supposed to feel shame.

Better to have a "meh" march... or " meh" month.

Otherwise the hatred is just as preserved as the sense of injustice.

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