Fuck that small town clown and his lousy "music."

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I'd never even heard of "sundown towns" until I read Lovecraft Country. I found it so preposterous that I had to look it up. It literally made me sick to my stomach reading about them. People are shit.

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Watch the Movie "Green book". It's offensive and inspiring on many levels. we can be better people. The struggle continues. Also a book titled "The Arc of Justice" is good. It deals with the Red line method of race restricting neighborhoods in Detroit and a shooting that became a much talked about murder trail 100 years ago.

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And he claims his song isn't racist. This song isn't even thinly veiled. He's scum.

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Never heard of sundown towns during my 12 years of Catholic education. I shake my head over the whitewashing you have called to our attention.

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the Right wants complete control over us.

Control over every aspect of our lives.

From what kind of car we drive to what Religion we choose, if any.

If we disagree, there's something wrong with US

& we must be mocked & shunned.

We live in dangerous times. Our country is on the brink.

The next election will determine the future of our democracy.

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Just wanted to point out that MA passed a similar law 11 years before NH, in 1703.

"That no Indian, negro or molatto servant, or slave, may presume to be absent from the families whereto they respectively belong, or be found abroad in the night time, after nine a clock, unless it be upon some errand for their respective masters or owners."

I just mention it because it's easier to reference: https://archives.lib.state.ma.us/handle/2452/118975

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I just read an article about this in the Guardian. I was horrified but then watch the debate around The Voice to Parliament happening right now in Australia and I shouldn’t be surprised.

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Considering the No campaign was just allowed to publish outright lies in the government produced pamphlet, I hold little hope that Australia is going to prove more progressive than the US. I’m embarrassed by the rhetoric of some of my fellow Aussies over this matter.

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Pre-ordered the paperback so I can share this book more easily.

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Born and raised in Lefors, TX, definitely a sundown town. From the inside looking out, racism and ol' time religion were pretty normalized. Most everyone was happy, until you brought up certain subjects, then it was a wrastlin' match to get your argument on the ground with dispatch. We don't talk about that around here, they'd say. We do just fine like we are, they said. You don't understand how them people are, they said. Well, 50 years later, I DO understand, and I also understand how fucking backwards and fearful the little-white-town mindset is. The good ol' days, full of racism and polio, yet longed for by those who would feel that equality for the oppressor feels exactly like oppression.

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They are everywhere. Even in my beautiful , liberal California. You don’t really understand until you feel it in your bones and realize by late afternoon, it’s all white folks walking around. Truly a shameful and disgusting way to live.

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I lived in a smallish town in Washington State and directly across the bridge, was a sundown town in Oregon. I was discussing it with a Black friend who thought it was funny because she really didn’t think it would ever be enforced in the 21st century. But why was it still a law then? When I read the lyrics of the song, I thought it was all about conforming. I lived in a town of 2400 people once and I was pretty much shunned by the locals because I was “different” and I dared to flaunt it. When I lived there in 1976, the smaller town had a Black mayor. It was once a coal mining town and Black miners were brought in decades before as strike breakers and the mayor’s family was the only Black family that stayed there. It’s serious shit now with the political climate we are entering now. The fact that a racist song is applauded is very frightening.

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