When I was in Japan in the '80s visiting family, the "FamiCom" was the big rage. Everyone had to have a FamiCom (portmanteau of "family computer" since the idea of a consumer PC in the average home was still years away). My cousins would ask in awe if I had a FamiCom in America, since "America" was still seen as this fabled land of riches beyond that of mortals. I did not, and that answer failed to compute in their minds :)

Back in the States, a friend had managed to get one sent to him by his family in Japan as well as the required voltage adapter, so that was my initial exposure to what would become the first NES in the western world a few years after that.

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My step dad is a retired psychiatrist. In 1981 he had an Apple 2+ in his office that his office manager used. He thought it was cool and bought one for home and we played a lot of games on it. I remember an adventure game called Akalabeth. I was so proud of myself the day I conquered it.

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