I've always hated what was done to First Nations. When I first learned about what happened to those people, I was mighty pissed. I actually declared "That is bullshit" in the middle of History class (1969). It's still happening to this day.

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Very good. It’s true, of course.

[But to be fair (not to indigenous Americans of course), Britain could just stfu by then - and certainly after - on the subject of killing the hell out of entire populations. ]

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Yeah, the "little country that could" try to take over the rest of the planet didn't have much room to make broad proclamations about where who could do what and where.🙄

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It doesn’t make us much better - no excuse for racist brutality we perfected to the point where Hitler admired it - but I’ve had this argument since high school with a British professor who was slumming in my American high school.

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Great post! Howard Zinn's book, A People's History of The United States, has similar stories that debunk widely held myths.

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Mayosapiens have been pushing people around and out for as long as there has been mayosapiens. British in India and Africa. Belgium in Africa. Do a story about Leopold! He did more genocide that that German mayosapien. It's all good if you find that your particular skin shade is better than those others. Once you claim Manifest Destiny it is off the other races. God approved genocide.

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There were three Leopolds. It was Leopold II who committed genocide.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

Did they know the blankets had smallpox? I've always wondered about that. At that time did they even know how diseases were spread? They knew a little since they would quarantine...

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