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Silly childhood story: I grew up falling asleep under restaurant tables listening to my Dad sing Country & Western in themed establishments. In 1987, one such place was in Bannister Road in Fremantle named The Lone Star. Fremantle was jumping. Alan Bond had sunk millions into infrastructure so we could defend the America's Cup. People had come from all over to cash in, including the owner of the Lone Star who served the dishes she grew up with and beer. Many of her clientele were US ex-pats who wanted authentic tunes with their food - hence my Dad. The owner's name was Donna Clanton. I can't remember which Clanton she was a descendant of (my Dad will remember, I must ask) but to this day, I'm still intrigued by how we all crossed paths. My Dad studied a lot about the American wild west and was certainly fascinated to find out who Donna was related to, and how she ended up on the other side of the world as a restaurant owner sharing her story.

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