I love everything you write. I do have to say though, I take a bit of exception with the statement "For eight years the racism festered like an infected wound..." The wound had been festering for hundreds of years. It's nothing new, and the blowback from Obama's election didn't create a new wound -- it lanced a wound that had already been festering, and sprayed that infected pus all over the place where everyone could see it, and nobody could deny the wound was there without showing themselves to be either more racist, or more in denial about racism, than the average (and maybe there's really no difference between those two). The resulting trumpery was all those assholes saying yeah, of course there are wounds. It's our right to cause them whenever we feel like it, because "White Supremacy! Yay!"

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One of the best days of my life. I remember being glued to the television and social media. It was almost surreal.

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That was a good day.

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I was one of those who wasn't sure if Obama could win it. I was so glad I was wrong.

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I cried tears of joy when Barack won! I voted for him both times, and if he could serve a third term, I'd vote for him again! 💯🥰

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