The first job I got after my husband got his discharge in 1971 was as a secretary with what was a 600 year old Japanese trading company. I passed their algebra test, wore miniskirts and was blond. A shoe-in. Plus I knew what telexes were and bills of lading. The young men were not much older, seemed serious but with one exception had great senses of humor. They were far from home and loved New York. Their custom was to take staff to lunch with them. We were mostly broke, T was having trouble getting hired because he was a vet and as one employment agent told him, man, no one’s going to hire a vet, they think you’re all on drugs or crazy... So free lunches came in handy. They joked about kamikazes being crazy. I learned later one of the managers father had committed ritual seppuku at the end of the war. Another one’s father had been a high ranking naval officer, killed in the war. He realized I was a baseball fan and from there on we clicked. They seemed so fucking glad they were not in Japan.

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I hope the U.S. Military will say the same thing to Trump if he decides to have another coup of his own.

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An author who's into fitness and makes sure his work gets published even if he is prepared to die? Reminds me of someone...

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Minus the fascism, of course.

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Fascism never dies

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Some people are just wired to serve idiots.

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Now, reading only his Wikipedia entry, I am a bit stunned. With that childhood, something bizarre was almost guaranteed.

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His death sounded terrible. Plus it took three tries to behead him!

I don't get that fascists hate communists and they call anyone who isn't a fascist a communist. There is no shading. It all or nothing.

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Hitler hated and feared Communists. I guess he thought it was the West against the Slavs and Asians? So naturally, fascists today hate Communists.

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I meant to mention I also read the Wikipedia entry about him. It is complicated. He wanted the Emperor restored to the throne. He wanted cultural Japan saved. He seemed to like the way Hitler wanted to make Germany Great Again. He wanted that for Japan as well.

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I knew about Mishima in general terms, but somehow thought his coup attempt was years earlier. I also was ignorant of his having been a model and actor. Thanks.

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What's the saying? Not all conservatives/fascists are stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives/fascists.

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