POS indeed. The man has no morals and cares about only one person - himself. Of course all politicians get where they are with some degree of lying and doing things that you and I would consider to be shady. But for a man who proclaimed he was going to “drain the swamp”, he brought out the worst in his party and dug the swamp even deeper. Our Founding Fathers surely rolled over in their graves when he was elected (and again on Jan. 6). I am saddened that his “base” chooses to just look the other way at egregious behavior like mocking a disabled person.
I used to feel horrible for daydreaming about someone's misfortune, or wishing ill towards them. I've been a staunch believer in karma and felt contrite over my negative or evil thoughts.
The day that dingleberry made it official that he would be running for president back in '15, that changed. Now I no longer feel guilty for my thoughts when it comes to him, Putin, Un, and the other "leaders" who embrace dictatorship. I want very bad things to happen to each of them, and anyone else who comes along after them with the same goals. They need to be punished in front of the world and used as examples of what type of person to NOT be. Fuck those pieces of shit!
I took this personally. I'm disabled, and when this happened I posted everywhere about it explaining why it was a personal insult to me. Why it should have costed Trump everything. And yet I couldn't even keep some of my "friends" from voting for the fucking orange festering blob of pus on rotting vomit.
SUCH a piece of shit.
Such a gargantuan piece of shit
POS indeed. The man has no morals and cares about only one person - himself. Of course all politicians get where they are with some degree of lying and doing things that you and I would consider to be shady. But for a man who proclaimed he was going to “drain the swamp”, he brought out the worst in his party and dug the swamp even deeper. Our Founding Fathers surely rolled over in their graves when he was elected (and again on Jan. 6). I am saddened that his “base” chooses to just look the other way at egregious behavior like mocking a disabled person.
I used to feel horrible for daydreaming about someone's misfortune, or wishing ill towards them. I've been a staunch believer in karma and felt contrite over my negative or evil thoughts.
The day that dingleberry made it official that he would be running for president back in '15, that changed. Now I no longer feel guilty for my thoughts when it comes to him, Putin, Un, and the other "leaders" who embrace dictatorship. I want very bad things to happen to each of them, and anyone else who comes along after them with the same goals. They need to be punished in front of the world and used as examples of what type of person to NOT be. Fuck those pieces of shit!
I took this personally. I'm disabled, and when this happened I posted everywhere about it explaining why it was a personal insult to me. Why it should have costed Trump everything. And yet I couldn't even keep some of my "friends" from voting for the fucking orange festering blob of pus on rotting vomit.
I used the heart, only because a sad face is unavailable.
“When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” Maya Angelou