Chag Urim Sameach! ✡️ 💞🕯😁

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Thank you, James, for a nice and very accurate description of Hannukah! Although I wonder about the dating; given how many calendar changes have taken place over the years, and the Jewish calendar is different anyway. FYI Channukah this year is December 19-26. I think the earliest it can start (in our modern times) is late November. We had "Thanksgivikah" a few years ago, when the first day of Hanukah was Thanksgiving! Anyway, Chanuka Sameach (however you spell it)! And good luck in Romania!

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This year it's Dec. 18. Thanks for spreading the light, man. Safe travels to Transylvania. Have a bloody good time, and don't bat an eye at the haters.

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