"...I got a snip job. Sorry for the TMI..." This is not TMI at all! You are modeling a very progressive and equitable choice you made - a choice that would make life a whole lot easier on any uterus-owning people who have sex with penis-owning people. Not long ago, I read an account of one of the many serious health complications that can happen related to IUD's, which wouldn't be used so often if more simple snips were chosen.

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Science, bitches

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I love this! I did want to point out a minimal error I noted here: "The other question is who are the “they” who plucked a date from a posterior orifice?"

To be fair, there are some members of the U.S. Congress who's orifices are clearly in the northern anterior region of their person. We don't want to inadvertently leave anyone out of the conversation.

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I have 3 kids. If not for science all 3 and myself would be dead. I would have died giving birth to the first 2, twins. They were about a month early and small, because twins. They spent time in NICU getting stronger before coming home. I nearly bled to death. Because of science all 3 of us are alive and I had a 3rd child later. We are all healthy because of science.

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That is the cutest picture.

I chose to have one kid and a big reason was the environmental impact of raising a child in the U.S.

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“Trouser trophies”…😂

I love reading you.

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The Catholic Church has to share some of the blame because "contraception is evil!!' Stuff the Catholics from a recovering former Catholic and one of Ten kids so don't start with anything. I and my siblings try to get the last word and we can all talk under water with a mouth full of marbles!

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