I grew up watching Sesame Street! I absolutely loved Cookie Monster; by the time I was old enough to recognize his flaws, I realized they are a reflection of my own ADHD-related symptoms. I think as a kid, it unconsciously allowed me to accept my impulse control issues….maybe? Lol

As for Bert & Ernie, the fucksticks who have a problem with their “outing” can fuck right off!

Thanks for your always informative and humorous posts!

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In Canada, we had the bilingual version, where I got my first exposure to the French language. I was born in 1971, so I spent many mornings glued to the TV watching Sesame Street, Mr. Dressup, The Friendly Giant and sometimes Polka Dot Door. Good times!!

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Living in Detroit I was able to watch The Friendly Giant. That show was a moment of loving calm in a childhood that was frequently anything but.

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I watched Sesame Street in Trinidad; and the Muppet Show and Fraggle Rock. Living in the UK where it isn’t part of the fabric of childhood over here, it’s a bit strange when people don’t get my odd references “one of these things is not like the other...”

I’m bemused that anyone could be anything other than full of love and joy with Jim Henson’s creations.

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My nephew was speaking spanish from watching this show. I think he was about 3 or 4 years old.

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Love your daily features.

Have three of your books. Alas,

Not autographed....

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