"Almost every parent knows that you can helicopter like mad, but then you can blink, and your kid disappears."

And then the parent gets accused of helicoptering, so let the child get a few bumps and bruises. It'll ToUgHeN tHeM uP aNd NoT bE sUcH pAnSiEs wHeN ThEy bEcOmE AdUlTs.

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Exactly. I'm someone who is guilty of frustration at parents sometimes, but I sure do know that in many cases - they're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Everyone else just has to have a say on EVERYONE'S parenting, and it's the most facepalming thing ever.

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May 29, 2021Liked by James Fell

I don’t really agree that kids are assholes. Sometimes it can feel that way when you are in the thick of it and exhausted, but really, this child was just doing what children do- exploring, investigating and learning. I do agree that even the most attentive parents can’t supervise perfectly always, because we are human. Sometimes bad things just happen. If the child had somehow gone off into a lake and drowned, no one would be saying “That lake should have a better fence around it!” Danger is everywhere and we all do our best to protect little ones. It is unfortunate that the gorilla had to lose his life also doing what came naturally to him, but how about we all just be sad for everyone involved and try to learn from this event instead of attacking people who are already feeling irreparably torn apart?

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Yeah that was a glib quip and not to be taken seriously. Very tongue in cheek use of "assholes".

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I didn't know till now the mom or kid were black so I don't think you can say point blank the social media "attacks" against them were "racist as fuck." In fact, I always clearly imagined them as white (I never watched the video- too sad/scary). And yes, I did blame the mom a bit (but mostly I blamed the zoo for not having proper barriers). though it does add a new element to it and helps explain why it became a bit of an alt-right meme. I thought it was for different reasons.

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A lot of the people did know full well she was Black and attacked her vociferously. I'm certain it contributed to it. Especially the stuff about the petition and calling CPS.

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