Much as I detest the current government of Israel, there's a reason Israelis hang on to that piece of land so hard -- even after the Holocaust, the US held to hard quotas for how many Jewish refugees would be allowed to settle here, and where would they have felt safe in Europe ever again?

In high school in the late 70's I made the mistake of asking an Israeli exchange student why she was so gung-ho about her upcoming mandatory military service. "BECAUSE I'M SURROUNDED BY PEOPLE WHO WANT ME AND ALL JEWS DEAD!!" I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist, and definitely the vehemence, of her response. She wasn't wrong.

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Nazi-sympathizing Catholic clergy?? WTF?? Oh right, why am I shocked? Catlicks good, Juze bad.

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And good riddance to bad rubbish.

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The face of evil............

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The 2015 TV movie 'The Eichmann Show' (starring Martin Freeman & Anthony LaPaglia) is a very tough watch, but so so worth it, and so very well done.

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Wow thanks for this pointer, I'd never heard of this.

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As much as I detest Nazis, I feel like the Israelis could have done a better job with his remains. I understand they didn't want to honor this prick in any way resembling a decent burial, but scattering his ashes at sea leaves no memorial to this monster's dickish ways. I say, bury him with a giant headstone with a Star of David on it so he can wear that badge for eternity. Then every Holocaust survivor and surviving ancestor can spit on his grave and graffiti his giant headstone. Also, it sends a message to other pricks...don't mess with Jews...fuck around and find out! It's akin to skewering his head on a pike and posting it high above the castle walls. Just saying they could've been a little more inventive with his leftovers.

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I get your passion about this, but here's the problem: where would this grave and headstone be? In Israel, desecrating the land? Or abroad, where it would become a fucking pilgrimage site and object of Nazi idol worship? You know it would.

So I think what became of him was as perfect as it could be in the imperfect world that allowed him to exist and act as he did in the first place.

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