Trudeau is a show-boater, much to the embarrassment of many Canadians. He is also hypocritical. He promised election reform, then reneged. He boosts climate action on one hand, yet gives tax breaks and subsidies galore to the fossil fuel industry. And ask any Indigenous person how that Truth&Reconciliation is going. "Glacially slow" would be my bet for an answer.

HOWEVER: I would vote Liberal in a heartbeat if it meant destroying Pierre Puddinhead's cons. Fuck Puddinhead and fuck Cons for moving towards Murican-style christofascism. May they be slaughtered like sheep in the next election.

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I love your Prime Minister. Can we borrow him for a little while? Promise, we'll give him back (not).

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Justin isn't his dad, but he's a hell of a lot better than what we have down here, south of the 49th Parallel.

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Hey, nice alliteration!

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In my bloodyfucked country, I often wonder why our conservatives feel so secure with all their guns. Liberals are more likely, when we own weapons, to learn how to use them correctly....

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"Patrick Brazeau faced numerous criminal charges for assault, sexual assault, cocaine possession, and fraud. He was kicked out of the senate and managed a strip club for a while, but was later allowed to return as a senator."

But you can't visit Canada if you've had a DUI. 👍🏼

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BUT WAS LATER ALLOWED TO RETURN AS A SENATOR. Please tell me this is a joke - a disgustingly piss-poor excuse for a joke, but a joke nonetheless. PLEASE

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