The whole taxes deal was a thing, sure, but it’s also a smokescreen for a major reason rich landowners talked a whole bunch of poor people to die for the cause. Washington, Jefferson, and quite a few others were land speculators. Indian lands, to be specific. That’s how they made enough money to buy human beings - what you think they made their money selling tobacco? Remember reading they were “surveyors?” Land speculators.

The trouble was, jolly olde England and King George had made the Treaty of Niagara in 1763, promising to keep those damn land speculators east of the Ohio valley. That did not sit well with the white second sons in the colonies, and it took them a few years but they did manage to whip up a frenzy for “independence” over the tax on tea and such things, so that they could quickly resume taking Indian lands and selling them and getting even more rich and buying even more black bodies.

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