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Hey James, the timing of this is so interesting because my #2 son is just completing his Bio-Chem BSc. Last night at supper he was teaching me some of the ins and outs about DNA and mRNA and viruses and and and... and I was telling him THIS story, and then today he came down with a big grin to share that he JUST watched a University lecture with even more details about this story. He then proceeded to give me a synopsis of how Linus Pauling had the shape of DNA all wrong (he was impressed that I knew Linus Pauling was the vitamin C guy), and then he explained about the freezing and photos stuff (he was impressed I remembered it was Image #51, thanks James, you made me look good to my kid).and then he gave me some details about how unpleasant some of these scientists were/are. It was quite fun. If I had filmed him, you, too, would know more about DNA and mRNA than you ever thought you could retain. Kid should be a teacher, he's a natural... It is astonishing that a topic can come up and then it keeps on showing up, even though I had never HEARD of Rosalind Franklin. As Nicholas said to me, as he was fleshing out this story, "I can't remember the name of the graduate student, and I feel bad about that". Thanks for providing it in your History lesson.

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