Feb 6, 2023·edited Feb 6, 2023Liked by James Fell

Why are some men obsessed with passing on their own name? Like they own it and lose their shit over their name. I admit I don't have an answer because my last name is my father's but when I didn't change my name when I got married a shitshow happened. My MIL insisted I obviously didn't love her son and this other gem - I would have thought after what your father did to your family - he was shitty - that you'd WANT to change your name. Blank stare. If I felt that way I could have just changed my name on my own. I will leave you with another of her gems -- when she saw I was getting married in pale pink, she gasped --- is that because you are not a VIRGIN?

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by James Fell

Patriarchy and tradition are bad reasons to continue doing something that doesn't bring value to most people. I didn't change my name after I married, neither my husband or my in-laws cared. I also got married in a blue dress. I already had kids from a previous relationship, and we'd been living together for 10 years so not being a virgin wasn't exactly a surprise.

His cousin didn't change her name either, but because she was already a licensed MD and their archaic rules meant that she'd need to re-license, complete with test!, in order to have her married name as her MD name. It was ridiculous.

I'm sorry about your MIL.

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Feb 7, 2023·edited Feb 8, 2023

Thank you! She was a good person but way too worried about what the neighbours would think. My friend told me I could have written a book about her. I love the story of your of your wedding and family.

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