Churchill, that's a tough one. Loving and hating him are not mutually exclusive. Some world 'leaders' are easy to hate (looking at you, Boris, and the ghosts of should have been lovers Maggie and Ronnie, and I won't even mention the orange one. But Churchill? I first learned about him in 5th grade which would have made me around 11 at the time, So I've known of Winston for roughly 40 years...and I still don't know how to feel about him.

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I imagine you've been informed, but if not, your headline/title reads "Noble" Prize. Not sure if a pun was intended. Forgive me if it was and I missed it.

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THANK YOU! As an American I get tired of reading who is the latest hero. Yes, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are DOING admirable things that I truly appreciate but they are not heroes. They both voted against voting rights. There are many others that I’ve been assured are heroes but I don’t remember them all.

And I’d like to add that doing the right thing is the right thing to do,not heroic.

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Incredibly well said. Thank you!

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Well put, James... people are jus people, don't deify them or anything else


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