IMHO you’re a good public speaker. If you said “so” too many times I didn’t catch them and they didn’t bother me at all. Former Toastmaster here, loads of weird fucked up nervous speaking behaviors jump out and you didn’t have them. All around enjoyable and informative talk. You’re your own worst critic. Shame about the loss of audience responses, maybe TEDx is fixing that for you. Whatever’s next for you, I wish you success! BTW I have both your books.

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I thoroughly enjoyed it! Didn't notice any weird speech things, I actually could hear the audience laugh a couple times. As someone who also does their job better because of ADHD, thank you for sharing this! I don't take meds to do my job (tech support for 4 hospitals and then some), I take meds to be able to function at home when I'm done. To be able to do OTHER things. And to be able to do the boring tedious stuff between big exciting projects. Medication makes it less exhausting to stay focused all day. On the weekends, I let my brain roam free.

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When the sound was from the entire theater, I could barely hear *you*, so I'm glad they switched the input to your mic. As long as you could hear the laughs, that's what counts. Laugh tracks make me nervous anyway. In any case, great job, don't get anxious about the sound!

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This was great. Thanks for sharing.

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This was a very engaging talk, and I didn't notice the overuse of 'so" at all (except right at the beginning, and only because you mentioned it. ;) ). If you do decide to take this on in the future -- well, go for it. :)

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Bravo, my neuro-brother! Got my dx at 45yo and had a lot of the same harsh experiences growing up.

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Public speaking is not easy and those who are naturally good at it make it look too fucking easy. You did well.

If you want a fun distraction -- check out the Shit Women with Law Degrees post about favourite pens. I tried to tag you but I'm sure a bazillion people tag you. The comments are gold. Us lefties have our own pen issues.

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Well done, mate! Public speaking is not my default so I find most who can do this well inspiring. I just about fell apart when I had to read out one of my short stories to a group of 16 and then again when I read a Neil Gaiman story out in front of a similar-sized group for a ghost story Halloween evening. I managed, but I felt sick.

Be proud as fuck.

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My silence filler is “you know”, so we all do it. Molly Meldrum built a 40 year career on saying “um”!

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Great speech!! Warm, friendly, informative, and really connecting to the audience. I could hear the audience laughing, but I'm listening on my computer in a very quiet room.

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