Now retired, I/we used to be evaluated by my peers at my workplace for the alignment between my self-assessment and how others saw me. I thought that a remarkable measure. Something worth emulating.

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James, you’re smart. No worries.

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Neil Gaiman once told a story about being at a party filled with famous, amazing people and thinking something along the lines of "I've just written a few little books. What am I doing here?" He was standing next to someone at the bar who turned to him and said, "I feel like a fraud here with all these smart and amazing people." And his response was, "You are the first man to walk on the moon! You're Neil Armstrong! What?!" So I think we are all susceptible to feeling imposter syndrome.

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My favorite story is the one Neil Gaiman tells about how he met Neil Armstrong at a party and they both admitted to feeling like they didn't belong with the other luminaries there. I mean, if those two Neils can feel Imposter Syndrome, then it can affect literally everyone.

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Well…it obviously is my issue and not yours.

Keep up your good work. I think I probably AGREE WITH YOU ON 95% of what you say.

I did not want to offend.


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to critique people Hilary felt were despicable, she lost the election. Trump reserves his derogatory comments for the “elite “.

It is predictable

Think about it. You demean your self and those who might support you.


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Make me.

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James, you do appear smart. But not wise. By using the word FUCK to critique o try

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