Thank you! I'm so happy when I see an email from you and know I've got a way too brief escape from the insanity of the world. You are a much better read than a Mehmet Wizard of Oz story. I may need to give an e-reader another chance given your love of your Kobo. Years ago, I fell asleep and when the reader dropped on my nose it felt like when the ramp of the Millennium Falcon dropped on the sleeping Exogorth. My awakening was not pretty.

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Bought the kindle book; joined your Substack. I f***ing love your office! A sure sign of genius!

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I loved The Sword of Shanarra at 18 and I’m certain I could reread it today (at 69.8) with near equal enthusiasm. Still on my shelf from the Science Fiction Book Club!

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Makes sense that you read only novels on your Kobo. I too, read only novels, and the occasional very light non-fiction, on my ereader. I seem to retain non-fiction better when I read it in physical books, and I also like to chase things down in multiple books at a time.

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Boy, I hope we're allowed to read it down here, James. With the Misadministration coming in... hoo boy.

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Got the ebook 😁 and I read everything on my phone, so I don't even have an eReader anymore. I know it's time to go to sleep when the phone hits my face or the floor.

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I used to have a digital bedside clock radio that projected the time onto the ceiling. Those were the days. Or nights, as it were.

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Go Kobos! Not sure what model mine is either, but your love is understood.

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Here in Minnesota - really don't want to say the States since the f***ing election - I was introduced to Kobo when I found out about and bought a Humble Indie Bundle of the complete set of Discworld novels by another Terry -- Pratchett -- for 40 USD. I've been alternating between reading those on my phone Kobo app and reading physical books from my "to read" list.

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True story, sometime in the 80’s I fell asleep with a vibrator plugged in, it wedged between my footboard and mattress and almost caught the mattress on fire. Same thing, the plug got hot. Geez!

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Ordered from Walmart. I had it from the library, really enjoyed what I read. I’m looking forward to reading it one day at a time for the entire next year. It may put the crap we will be facing, into perspective. 😁✌🏻

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