I love it when Christofascists are hoisted on their own petard.

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Thank you for the knowledge! I love learning more ways that christians are hypocritical wing nuts. Unfortunately, they are also immune to knowledge and the concept of hypocrisy, so frustrated I remain...

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

I’m pretty sure some of them would happily agree with stamping out the Olympics to avoid seeing so many high-melanin athletes win.

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The Constitution is clear: Separation between Church and State. Worship

as you see fit but don’t foist your religion off on the rest of us.

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On the other hand, Pierre Coubertin was an unreconstructed misogynist and fascist, so he and JD Vance (and the rest of MAGA) would have been best buds, so there's that ...

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"Imagine"....Thank You John Lennon.

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Paul evidently didn’t know there is more than one definition for religion; a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.

Beatles fans could be considered a religion.

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The country in the Middle East "founded" in 1948 has taken a turn for theo-fascism without Jesus to sling around because they're still waiting for him to show up. They seem to believe that self-defence consists of murdering innocents barbarically. The Christo-fascists running America half a world away are enabling them.

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Because they can’t wait for Armageddon. As opposed to the looming murder posed by peace loving islamists? I despise Netanyahu and what he’s doing as he wipes out innocents - as well as his homicidal supporters, religious extremists as those who hate them, but let’s stop the killing without sparking hate.

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I'm waiting for the TurboChristians to start posting their complaints about all of the demonic symbolism in the Olympics opening ceremonies. If they watched it...you know they'll see demon worship everywhere.

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I went looking for this story because I’d always heard about the messenger dying at the end of the run between Marathon and Athens. I’d also heard that 26 miles was like a warmup run for messengers.


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I'm still puzzled about American Christians who run around with essentially 10 Jewish Commandments when Christ supposedly gave them a new one - "Love each other". Like, whatever happened with "Jews cruxified our Christ" and "Old Testament is less relevant than New"? Are they even Christian or just Judaist?

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What a world we could live in with factual facts!

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Love it. Thank you for sharing!

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Everyone loves the Ringo Circus. Billserle.com

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With all due respect, you sound like someone who recently learned the f word.

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With all due respect, go fuck yourself.

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The title "Sweary History" didn't clue you in?

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Self awareness doesn't nullify what I said.

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For someone trying to sell a book you have one fucked up making plan. You likely have written off at least half the world as possible customers.

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