The Chicago Haymarket labor riots.

Emma Goldman's trial and subsequent deportation for protesting the draft in ww1. Mother Jones and the minors of Appalachia. Or in other words, the mothers of the labor movement in the late 19th and early 20th century.

And yeah, James, I'm waiting for the redo on vol 1.

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The Haymarket Riots (depicted in the photo) are in / will be in V2. The other one sounds promising. Thanks!

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Emma Goldman is my hero. One of the greatest speakers in the early 20th century. Russian born anarchist, free love advocate, labor organizer, women's rights and firm believer in responsibility of the individual, arrested repeatedly and finally deported back to Russia in one of the most ridiculous and raucous trials ever held. Disillusioned and disappointed by the Russian revolution she drifted around Europe finding sanctuary, finally marrying an old British anarchist to get UK citizenship. Died in Canada and after a huge fuss, the US government finally allowed her body to be buried in Chicago where the Haymarket Riots occurred. "If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution." " The most violent segment of society is ignorance. "

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This isn't exactly what you asked for so roast me if you must. If you're doing a big-picture world history kind of thing, I hope you will consider the effect that patriarchal, angry, vindictive Sky Father bullshit has had over the millennia (something tells me you might already be doing this). In particular, the contrast between that and the Earth Mother-based cultures that were replaced/crushed/subsumed by the patriarchal bullshit. I've read exactly one history book that talks about this in depth although I'm sure that there are more. But I want some motherfucking swearing with it! PS I've got your two history books but will definitely buy the news ones 'cause PICTURES motherfucker!

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Trust that this is a big part of my book. I've already read Caliban and the Witch, and will soon be reading The Patriarchs.

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Hey James. This is a fucking fantastic idea! Check out 9 August 1956 South Africa for some badass women. It's celebrated as our National Womens Day. Approximately 20 000 women matched on the Union Buildings in Pretoria to petition against the pass laws (which said that anyone not white travelling in a white area must carry a passbook, an internal passport of a kind) instituted by the Apartheid government. These women were primarily black, and they risked being locked up in prison for their insurrection. The Johannesburg Women's Prison is a good starting point if you want more stories of wo.en being locked up for arbitrary bullshit (and political activism against the patriarchal, controlling, fear-mongering ex-Apartheid government in SA)

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A few of my favorite world history stories that should get the Sweary treatment are:

Defenestration of Prague

Jeremy Bentham's Auto-Icon

Galileo's Middle Finger :-)

Death of Rasputin

Doolittle's Raid

I'm sure I have more, but those are my favorite stories off the top of my head.

Cheers and good luck Mr. Fell!

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Letitia Carson was a badass woman, and an ancestor of my stepmom, a First Nations woman from Cayuse, Oregon.

Letitia, a formerly enslaved woman born in Kentucky, was a pioneer, a homesteader (twice!) a midwife, and a woman who managed to sue for her property rights successfully after the death of her common-law husband ... and after the Civil War and changes to the homestead act, to sucessfully apply for a homestead, where she lived until her death. An amazing life and a good story about Oregon's history of anti-black discrimination.

Proud to be tangentally related to her!!!

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I would be thrilled if you gave Hans Asperger your special attention. And if it's not too greedy of me to ask, to take that thread and continue with the heinous Dr. Lovass and his creation of gay conversion therapy and ABA, and, the shock treatment still in use at the Judge Rotenberg Center.

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I am currently reading "Brief Biographies of Badass Bitches" by Lisa Lee Curtis. I am enjoying learning about women who are often left out of our narrative. I'd love to read a "Fuck the Patriarchy" book written by you!

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Can we order this puppy in Oz, yet?

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Looks like only the old version is available on Amazon.com.au. But Bantam is part of Penguin Random House, which I know has an Australian website, as I've ended up there by accident at times.

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The what and why of Air France flight 447 crash and subsequent recovery

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Julius Caesar the Power Bottom encouraging his kidnappers to up their ransom.

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Just went to pre-order your book from amazon.ca and it's not there. 😩 Only seems to be on amazon.com. Where do we order it from Canada?

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Amazon Canada is being a dick and hiding the new one and still selling copies of the old one. Here it is: https://www.amazon.ca/This-Day-History-Went-Down/dp/0593724089/ref=monarch_sidesheet

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Done! Thank you!

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Check out hilarious journalist Molly Ivens (creator of “W” for a certain president, I believe). Gov. Anne Richards, of “Poor George, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth”.

Eleanor Roosevelt doesn’t get near enough credit for FDR’s programs.

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I hope pre-ordering from my local bookstore counts -- done.

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Hey, you know what else would be cool: taking a look at the Spiritualist movement of the early 1900's, and how it dovetailed with political/social movements of the time. It's quite fascinating in a creepy "we're really such assholes" kind of way. For example, many "progressive" white spiritualists believed that when Black people die, if they go to heaven, they turn white and then for all eternity get to be just as good as white people.

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I think you’ve written about the Dublin Whiskey fire/spill before. But now we’ve got a recent spill of red wine in Portugal. I’m wondering if there are similarities or others we haven’t heard of where the alcohol flooded the streets.

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